henry john drewal postdoctoral fellow, department of art history, university of wisconsin-madison

modern & contemporary art history, circumpolar contexts, Indigenous politics, media aesthetics

Recent publications:

-“A Monochrome at Ukkusissaq: Pia Arke's Home-Rule Earthworks,” October 184 (2023): 115–146. Link.

-“Jessie Kleemann’s Art of Survival,” Peripeti 37 (2022): 30–43. Link.

-“Primary Colors for the Fourth World: The Nonfigurative Sovereignty of Synnøve Persen and Frederik “Kunngi” Kristensen,” Konsthistorisk tidskrift–Journal of Art History 92:2 (2023): 84-105. Link.

-“En luktende diskurs. Jessie Kleemann og grønlandsk kunsthistorie mellom spekk og terpentin,” Kunst og Kultur 101:3 (2018): 149-165. Link.

Recent news:

I was recently awarded a 2023 Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant for a new project on land art and settler colonialism.

Sialussuartut | Like a Cloudburst: Redefining Greenlandic Art History - symposium co-organized with Anna Vestergaard Jørgensen at the National Gallery of Denmark (SMK), 9. September 2023. Registration link.